KC Current owners announce plans for stadium district along the Kansas City riverfront

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 19:42:33

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The ownership group of the Kansas City Current announced plans Monday for the development of the Missouri River waterfront, where the club recently opened a purpose-built stadium for the National Women’s Soccer League team.

CPKC Stadium will serve as the hub for the project, which will break ground later this year and include residential units, public recreation and gathering spaces, and restaurant locations designed to create a pedestrian-friendly neighborhood setting.

Chris and Angie Long, part of the KC Current ownership group, said in a statement that more than $200 million in private funds have been guaranteed for the project. It is expected to exceed $800 million in total investment.

“Kansas City was founded at the confluence of the Missouri and Kansas rivers. With the next phase of our investment in Berkley Riverfront Park, our goal is to reconnect Kansas Citians to their riverfront, bringing even more energy and activity to the water,” Angie Long said. “We believe this foundational investment will benefit our community for years to come and cement the Berkley Riverfront as one of Kansas City’s great neighborhoods for residents and visitors alike.”

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